Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Today the Hosford Panthers faced off against Altha for the season opener in Basketball.  With the homecourt advantage, the Panthers had a commanding win against the Wildcats. On "A" team, Garrett Swier led the team by putting 15 points on the board, one of which was a 3 pointer.  Micah McCaskill followed up with 6 points, Brody Holland with 5, Ken King with 3 and Ricky Ramer added 1 with a free throw.   Our "B" team also put their game down in the win column with a 14-3 victory over the Wildcats.  Ricky Ramer led the team by putting 6 points on the board, followed by Hunter Jaikin with 4 points, Blade Barineau with 2 points, and Cody Arnold with 2 points.  It was an exciting day at Hosford Gym.  Our boys, led by Coaches Davis and Solomon, are looking to have a great season.  Come on out and support them!  Our next game is Thursday, November 4th in Wewa!  We hope to see you there.