Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Gut Check Awaits…

By: Madison Peddie and Allison Moore
Around twenty girls and about twenty-five guys walk out on their field and take it all in. They dream about hitting the homerun that wins the game or a tag that saves the team’s record. But, before this can happen they must attend try-outs (aka. a gut check). One to three brutal days of being a warrior is not a walk in the park. You have to fight to defend your special place on the team, because eighth grader or sixth grader, the coaches don’t care. At the time the laps, duck walks, and all the torturous drills we have to endure may not seem worth it. But when you least expect it, the fight you put into the tryouts brings you through the season and greatly increases your heart size. By Wednesday January 12th, tryouts will be over and team rosters will be posted.

Panthers Show Heart in Playoffs

By Noah Davis & Garrett Swier

Panthers show heart in a high octane battle against the very talented St. Joe Sharks. It started out close but then the battle was gradually lost with the score ending up 55 to 35 favoring the Sharks. Leading the offensive attack was Micah McCaskill with 10 points. Second in offensive production was Noah Davis and Garrett Swier each with seven points and a 3-pointer. Next in scoring were Ken King with 6 points and then Brody Holland with 3 total points. Last in scoring was Ricky Ramer with 2 points. The boy’s basketball team ended with a 6-7 record.  They did really good and learned a lot about basketball from coaches Greg Solomon and Tim Davis.  The Panthers had a wonderful season and look forward to seeing you in the stands during baseball season!